During my years in school, I noticed that there are basically four main groups of pupils. Which one are you?
The A-er
This students have good grades
literally everywhere. They write perfect tests and are totally active
during the lesson. Either are they super smart ,learn really much,
are super ambitious or just everything of the above. Some people call
them nerds but let me tell you that 80 percent of them are just
jealous. If you belong to this group, you can be proud of yourself-
but dont start to think that you are better than others or your
friends just because of your grades !
The Unfortunately-too -shy-ones
Students who belong to this group are
at least average smart – but they are often too shy to say a lot in
school. They also have pretty good grades because they may not talk
very often ( or some even at all …), but they write great tests so
they can balance the not so good grades with their good grades.
With a little more self-confidence,
they could be even better !
The Talkers
These guys are basically the opposite
of the Unfortunately-too-shy people. They are not soo good at writing
( anything) but boy, they can talk! They are really active during
they lessen and sometimes just don't stop talking! They seem to be
able to talk for hours wihtout catching a breath – and often their
things are just repeated or don't make any sense. No problem for the
talker- they just talk so much that and after some time, it starts to
sound right
The How-do-they-do-it?
The peolpe who seem do be bad at
anything, get poor grades, just talk sh*t and are just really
annoying. Have you ever thought : How the frick can they pass every
class although they have such bad grades and a horrible attitude ?
Then you are definitely not alone! I had a lot of this guys in my
classes in the last years and sorry to say that, but they were just
Sometimes they just dont deserve to
pass classes!
Hugs, Anne
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